Outdoor Television and radio personality Ray Eye, in conjunction with Denny Dennis Sporting Goods, Outdoor Guide magazine and KFNS radio on Thursday, April 10th, will present a turkey hunting clinic at the Stratford Inn, off highway 44 in Fenton Missouri across from the Chrysler plant. Ray will present his all-new state of the art DVD video projection show with more than twenty turkey hunts. This new program is designed for hunters of all skill levels with the goal to teach hunters how to call and kill turkeys. "Turkey hunters today are at a much higher level of knowledge than just a few years ago" says Ray Eye, my new program covers, when, where and how to kill turkeys. Titles include, "The final Approach" the "set up" and how to call turkeys to your location. The final segment is called "Take your best shot" those last few crucial seconds on pulling the trigger. Those in attendance have the opportunity to win a Traditions
Muzzle loading shotgun and walkers Game Ear with admission ticket.
Admission: Ten dollars at the door for adults, free admission for youth hunters 12 and under. Doors open at 6:pm, seminar begins promptly at 7:pm. Sponsors: Denny Dennis Sporting Goods, Beloptix, Traditions
firearms, Hunter Specialties, Hi-Viz sights, Hodgdon powder,
Spare Bladder, Cabela’s, KFNS radio, Walkers Game Ear, US Sportsman
Alliance, and Outdoor Guide Magazine, |
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