Arlington Bed & Breakfast Inn

Ron and Diana Johnson invite you to journey back in time to an era of deep porches and wide verandahs… Come back to a time when the Iron Mountain/Missouri Pacific Railroad’s activity was the heartbeat to which the citizens of Desoto, Missouri set their schedules. This lovingly restored Victorian Era hotel offers elegant accommodations seven days per week. Unlike other Bed & Breakfasts, The Arlington Bed and Breakfast Inn , first known as The Desoto House when it was built in 1860 , offers a full service restaurant. Arlington serves a very good breakfast, but Friday night fish & shrimp is unbelieveble.  But more importantly, the Arlington is home of the “Killer” apple dumpling..  well worth a trip to Desoto Missouri.

Arlington Breakfast Inn
207 East Main
Desoto, MO 63020


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